Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain. ― Jack Kerouac
“When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money.” – Susan Heller
When one walks one can also talk, one can stop and have time for others, one can eat and touch people and interact with them. Walking allows us a particular life-pace. It makes possible a way of understanding and looking with open eyes. — Tony Doherty, The Attachment: Letters from a Most Unlikely Friendship

If you’re looking for breakfast in Santa Cruz California, you’ve got a lot of great options. The combination of a beachy, outdoor vibe, warm weather most of the year, and a young, very social population means people really get into breakfast here. And that’s great because you end up with menus filled with locally sourced, […]

The Blue Lagoon on Comino Island, Malta. This photo is unretouched. The waters really are as vibrant and spectacular as they appear here. What’s not visible in the photo are the hundreds of tourists that decent on the lagoon each day. On the day this photo was taken, masses of stinging jellyfish kept everyone out […]

Gozo Gossiping sculpture by Gozo native artist Joe Xuereb. Carved from large limestone blocks and standing nearly 6 feet tall, this playful statue is described by Xuereb as representing: . . . figures chattering and whispering, a local characteristic that takes place especially when we meet outdoors. It currently stands near the center of Villa […]